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CFTC Product Catalog
CFTC - MIT Fineblanking Brand

About CFTC

MIT Fineblanking Brand

CFTC, CHINA FINEBLANKING TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.(There will abbreviated form of the name CFTC as below) headquartered in Puyan Township, Changhua County is IPO fineblanking factory. Nearly thirty years with the industry-leading fineblanking technology and manufacturing technology as the core, produce, and supply of computer hard disks, automobiles, and other metal parts. In recent years, the market share of high-capacity hard disk components has reached as high as 25%, ranking among the top two in the world.

Establish a model of "MIT Fineblanking Brand"

CFTC is established in 1992, the enterprise territory expand to China Huaian, Jiaxing area, and has set up a new factory at Changhua Chuansing Industrial Park to transfer processes from China back to Taiwan for full process production. In response to the impact of the China–United States trade war and increasingly sensitive cross-strait relations on the local manufacturing industry set up a model of "MIT Fineblanking Brand".

  • Thirty years

    IPO Fineblanking Factory

  • year 2020

    Changhua new factory fully automated factory

  • Fineblanking development and manufacturing

    Crucial Technology

  • Computer Hard Disks, Automobiles

    Component produce


Core advantage

What is the most competitive and most differentiated core strength of "CFTC" compared with other competing products?

Exclusive technology

Exclusive R&D
  • High market share of existing product lines
  • Changhua new factory fully automated factory
  • Exclusive R&D and manufacturing technology and equipment

Resource Integration

  • Upstream and downstream manufacturers share a good strategy
  • Integration of real estate, government, and academic resources
  • Good negotiation and communication skills

Environmental science and technology

  • Green Company Awareness
  • Waste Disposal Professional
  • Purchasing Strategies in Response to Climate Risks